Monday, January 28, 2013

Independent Project

For my independent project this quarter I chose to shoot with a Holga. This little toy camera was a little tricky to get used to at first, but after a couple practice rolls I got the hang of it. Below are a few of my finished images. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


This quarter for my independent project I am working shooting with a Holga. I really like the idea of shooting multiple exposures. I want to try and shoot images like the photos below

 I also like the idea of shooting scenery with the Holga 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Diptych and Triptychs

A diptych is one piece of photography that involves two photos, in a series
The diptych above caught my attention when I first saw it. Before stumbling upon this photo I had never seen a diptych where one subject (the man on the right) entered the first photo.

By David Lawrence
The two images above that form a diptych also form a panorama. I found this very interesting and I wish to do something like this for class.  

A triptych is one piece of photography that involves three images, in a series

By Michael Putland
By Rui Santos

By Lisa Cueman

David Hockney Photographs

By David Hockney

Monday, November 5, 2012

Black and White photographs of feet

For my independent project I chose a subject of shoes and feet. This is an image that I found online that interests me. For my project I want to do something like this. Below is the attached link. There are also other photos on this site that are quite cool as well. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Baby photo


Quinn, young and old. Between these two photos there is an age difference of 16 years. In the photo on the left I was a care free young child, dancing to some great tunes. The photo on the right I'm still the care free young child that I once was, only now, I have gained knowledge that has shaped me as a person. This knowledge has allowed me to travel all over the world, in the photo on the right I am on a beach in Rio De Janeiro.

Monday, October 8, 2012